Mantra Radio – December 13th 2012

      Mantra Radio - December 13th 2012

An eclectic mix of beats, layers, and chants.

It’s not uncommon to see the elephant-headed deity Ganesh placed first in all kinds of different proceedings, because he is known to remove obstacles. Today’s show starts here too. The two friends Tim Donlou (aka Timonkey) and Joss Jaffe team up as Echosystem with a track entitled Ganesha Mantram, containing chants to Ganapati offered up in the sanksrit language. Joss follows this with a track from his solo release Dub Mantra, containing the chant Om Namah Shivaya, a song dedicated to Mahadeva aka Lord Shiva.

Continuing along the same lines, we next hear from Srikalogy with a remix of David Lurey’s Om Hrim Namah Shivaya. This is a mantra which not only addresses Shiva, but also his female counterpart, Shakti. The word Hrim being synonymous with Mahesvari, or Parvati.

Next up is another stellar recording by Minnesota’s BeautifulWorld, this one coming from the release Doorway to Infinity, and entitled Hari Om. Featuring the mantra Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya, this is an offering to the Supreme utilizing the name of Vasudeva aka Vishnu/Krishna.

Aykanna present a sweet rendition of the well-known “Lords Prayer“, offered in the Aramaic and English languages, a beautiful mix of both. This is coming from the duo’s release entitled Mother. Finishing off this mid-show set is Marti Walker with a deep and swirling version of the Maha-Mantra, from her release Revolution.

The show ends with two songs from Chances-r-Good and Steve Gold respectively. From the fantastic release Boomerangs comes the track In Your Mind, the work of visual artist, musician, and all-around talented individual Chances-r-Good. This is followed by the sweet and rootsy sounds of Steve Gold with the track Unstruck Chord. He shares with us “I almost heard the music of my soul .. Loving me into motion .. into motion”.

Alternate MP3 Link – Mantra Radio – Dec 13th 2012.mp3